New Year, New Resolutions.

Its the new year!! and new years call for new resolutions!! while resolutions are made to be broken, this time i resolve to keep at least half of my resolutions.(i hope)

and here they are:

1. Cut down on my food consumption.

2. Exercise more.

3. Watch more anime.

4. Buy more figures.

5. Read more manga.

6. Learn Japanese.

7. Try some J-drama.

8. Attend otaku related conventions.(didnt go to a single one last year)

9. Visit Japan again.

10. Hopefully during comiket.

11. Do well in University.

12. Blog more.(daily i hope)

13. Have no regrets.(nearly impossible)

thats all for my resolutions. So, what would are your resolutions folks? do share if you could, i would love to hear them.

4 responses to “New Year, New Resolutions.

  1. I also want to learn Japanese ^^ Good luck on your resolutions. Happy New YEar!^^

  2. Some of your resolutions seem easier than others (I think from 3 to 5 especially).

    I don’t have resolutions myself, I always improvise and try to improve myself everyday.

    To eat better, more serious in terms of studies (ah, I was Mister Last minute some years ago but it is never enough…) and be more open to others would be the few things I still have to work on if you really wanted to ask me in detail.

    (Random note: I love your banner, fits the characters so well)

  3. lol, Look like we have the similar new year resolutions

  4. Unrealistic new year’s resolution has left me in despair.

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