A new master.

After numerous sleepless weeks of pondering, I have decided to move on from my humble blog to expand my horizons. I will now be chained to my new master and his fate shall be my own as well. Its been a great experience blogging here and i hope that my readers would continue to lend me support in my new endeavor as well. Before i forget : the blog that i will be joining as a part of a team would be Shin’s blog.

10 responses to “A new master.

  1. Oh? Enjoy the new endeavour, I’m sure it’ll be fun.

    Also, Shin uses those reijus for the most immoral of reasons. Not that that’s entirely bad though. 😉

  2. omgz it’s a(n) [unholy] gattai! O_O

  3. Oh-ho! Sounds like a fun proposition! 😛

  4. Hohohohoho! Good luck in your new venture 🙂

  5. I guessed right you biatch. But holy sheet of all people, you are moving to his blog. Something wrong here. :\

  6. Are you sure you’re fine with the Mana charging part?

  7. dark side u have gone into.

  8. I guess this is the path of the ninja…

  9. That’s awesome! Now I can just visit one site and read articles from two awesome people instead!

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